One Happy Life!

One Happy Life!

3...2...1...GO! Let´s go to run.

- Ewa, let´s go to run with me!
- Me? Run?! Are you crazy?!

Not long time ago that was my answer if somebody wanted to go to run with me. First, I hated this sport ever since, second, after 500 meters I was out of breatch but with colic. So what has changed? Have I got a sudden enlightenment and decided to join the fanatics running-is-not-sport-but-style-of-life? No. So to you I will not here say the story that running change my life. I just want to help to those who don´t know how to start!

Beginnings are never easy. I read various articles on the internet about running I had the impression that, as I'm not  in wearing the most fashionable Nike or Adidas sportswear and I will not make my life record for 10km everyone will be staring at me like to a freak. Well ...fuck them! My first run it was a struggle for breath after 400 meters, after mile I had to make a break and walk. As a result, I ran 2.91 km in 28 minutes ... Madness, right? But the third time I felt the difference because in 26 minutes I ran 4.08 km. I like to see the effects of my efford, running quickly notes the progress. The cool thing is that, in the park, which is close to me is a lot of people running even after 10p.m. so I feel safe there. Besides as I wrote once in the group is power! It is easier to motivate yourself.


So what we need to start?

Shoes. All the experts say not to invest big money in shoes and clothes at the beginning. That we should first try if we like and if you want to run. I think that if I would not buy good running shoes I would not start to run. About two years ago I tried to run, in the ordinary sneakers. After two weeks, I had to stop because the knee pain did not allow me to even walk. Now, I invested about 65$ in Nike running shoes. I do not know what model, but they are comfortable, blue and when I run I feel like running on the soft carpet. I heard that shoes from Lidl are cheap and good, especially for those who are starting. By investing in mine shoes, I wanted also motivate myself-is a pitty to waiste the money. 

Music. I do not believe that is necessary to have a super expensive equipment, but is worth to look for good headphones that will not fall out during running. I run with a smartphone and headphones attached to it are not the best solution. For the phone we can also download a free app which will measure kilometers, time and burned calories (Endomondo, Runtastic soon I will make a test for the best one). But is not comfortable run with the smartphone in your hand so it is worth to invest in:
Outfit. Is enough to have normal Sweatpants, the best if they have pocket for mobile and key of the house. I have no special shirts for running only a simple cotton, same as the blouse-I use an ordinary one. But now I'm going to look for something better on sales. A nice complement for our outfit will be special belt, where we can hide keys, phone and even take water. Alternatively, you can choose an armband, which forme is not comfortable.


And finally, perhaps most importantly we need is motivation. How can get it? They are different ways, I will tell you mine. And you tell if you have other ideas. So:
Method 1:
Wearyour swimsuit, stand in front of a mirror and ask yourself how you like what you see? Not really? Now take a look at your photo of the times when your body looked better. Do you want to go back to your old shape?
Method 2:
Climb the stairs to the 10th floor or one small mountain. How quickly you get tired? Your condition is not the best? Probably you will think I'm not an athlete I just work in the office, I don´t need good condition. Is true if you do not plan trip to mountains, nor want to have great sex you are not interested. What sex and running have in common? It turns out that a lot. Nobody likes to get out of breath or get cramps during intimate moments. Furthermore Aerobic exercise (like running) strengthens heart and lung capacity, this has an impact on the lengt of
erection. Sport release
testosterone, which also affects the erection. Everybody want to have a successful sex life, right?

Each time it is getting easier, even if you try to beat your own record from the previous run satisfaction is enormous. Do not forget that while running our joints are loaded more than usual. If you feel any pain or discomfort does not make sense to do anything by force. Remember the short warm-up before training, even just to warm the knee joints. Equally important is stretching after a workout. Nothing discourages re-running the 2-day soreness!

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